High-Protein Energy Bites
Dessert alla vaniglia cremoso a basso contenuto di calorie e alto contenuto di gusto.
Recipe Summary High-Protein Energy Bites
Standard energy bites recipe kicked up with the addition of protein powder and chopped coffee beans and coconut. Super pre- or post-workout snack. Store balls in freezer or fridge and thaw for use.Ingredients | Ehrmann Haselnuss Pudding Proteinprep: 15 mins total: 15 mins Servings: 30 Yield: 30 bites
TAG : High-Protein Energy BitesAppetizers and Snacks,
Images of Ehrmann Haselnuss Pudding Protein
Ehrmann Haselnuss Pudding Protein : Unser high protein pudding ist besonders cremig und super schokoladig.